Sunday Services

This is a simple said service for those who want or need an early start, or prefer a quieter service. It lasts about half an hour.
Parish Eucharist (Except 3rd Sunday of the month)This is the main service of the day, and the biggest of the week. It’s a sung service, with a choir and hymns. After the service, which lasts for just over an hour, tea and coffee are served and people are invited to stay and chat.
8.00 a.m.

10.45 a.m.

12.30 p.m.
This is a simple said service suitable for all ages. It includes hymns, songs, readings, sketches and other activities all relating to the theme of the day. After the service, which lasts for just over an hour, tea and coffee are served and people are invited to stay and chat.
Baptisms are held on two Sundays each month. On the first Sunday it can be held during the service. On the second Sunday the service takes place at 12.30 pm.

Informal worship
10.45 a.m.
Midweek Services

8.30 a.m.
Morning Prayer

5.30 p.m.
Evening Prayer
Holy Communion
A special Healing Service with Communion takes place on a Thursday morning, the 1st Thursday of every month it is held at All Saints the rest of the month at St Lawrence's.

9.30 a.m.
If you are interested in any of the following:
Adult Baptism
Preparation of first communion
Vow renewals
Marriage after divorce
Please contact Revd. Philip Brent on 01724 840712